Mamas Uncut

25 Tweets That Are Hilarious Now But Would Have Been Unthinkable a Couple of Years Ago

The COVID-19 pandemic was a rough time for the entire world. Folks took to Twitter (now known as X) to stay connected, voice frustrations, and crack jokes. Tweets from 2020 and 2021 feel like dispatches from another time and illustrate just how surreal the time was. We decided to take a look back at viral Tweets from 2020 and early 2021 to revisit the hilarious things folks had to say.

These Tweets would not make sense to someone in 2019. In fact, they would be downright unbelievable and outrageous. So, let’s venture back in time when laughter really was the best (and only) medicine.

It Would Have Gone Even Better

Pandemic Tweets

Do you remember when Apple did this and made it nearly impossible to remove the album from your phone? Like the pandemic, it was also unbelievable.

Still Bitter


For the many of us who were not popular in high school, this Tweet hits home. Let those girlies be their own demise.



Who was out there working on their fitness during the pandemic? We know you’re out there. We don’t know what you were thinking but we hope you’re still in the best shape of your life.

It Was a Paranoid Time


This Tweet is brilliant because it shows how we all turned into hypochondriacs due to the virus. We scrutinized every little headache, stomach bug, and soar throat. The plague brain was real.

What a Waste


What a hilarious Tweet! Most of us are just wasting our lives away but it felt intentional in 2020. Be kind to yourself, folks.

What Did We Have to Lose?


This Tweet is so brilliant. You know this trick, right? If you get your phone wet, you can throw it into a mountain of uncooked rice that will pull the moisture out. We don’t think this worked on 2020.



This Tweet got over half a million likes because it felt so relatable. The early days of the pandemic were so terrifying and unbelievable. It really felt like hell.

So Much Zooming


We feel so bad for the young people who had to survive endless Zoom sessions for school. Not learning in-person had to have so tough. This Tweet perfectly captures it.

Historic Is an Understatement


One thing is certain, the pandemic was a once in a generation ordeal. History books will teach about banging pots and pans to cheer on nurses and other medical professionals on the front lines of the fight.

Those Checks


Live your life! The stimulus checks were a brilliant way to help folks out as well as massage the economy. The government should think about doing them once a month forever.

When You Knew What Was Up


The people who understood the importance of masking should not have been controversial, but this is America, and everything is stupid. Hats off to those who masked up and stayed that way.

What Were They Thinking?


While most of us were staying home to keep ourselves and others safe, some could not be bothered to skip a vacation for the greater good. This Tweet should be framed.

Safety First


Getting that first hair cut after coming out of quarantine felt wild. How will we ever convey that odd feeling to the kids who are to young to remember? This Tweet will do.

RELATED: 35 Funny Parenting Tweets by @FatherWithTwins: ‘Try Not To Be Too Upset When Your Kids Do the Bare Minimum and Expect Kudos’

Hard Truths


Priorities certainly changes and many have stuck since the pandemic. This Tweet is perfect for the person who felt all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Michelle Tells It Like It Is


It really wasn’t that hard. People made it out to be the most oppressive thing in the world but it was just a piece of fabric. We endorse any Tweet that includes Michelle Visage.

Time Got Weird


Time seemed to stretch and bend in the most unusual way throughout the pandemic. That’s what makes this Tweet so relatable. It was like time stood still.

They Did Not Get It


Teachers are superheroes but sometimes they can’t always “read the room.” This Tweet is perfect because no matter how otherworldly things got, they tried to move on as if it was all normal.



Who out there living in a cramped apartment got a bit of cabin fever during lockdown? While celebs were traipsing around their mansions, the rest of us were trying to find the best spot to work from home.

Good Thinking


Zoom really was like the only outlet most of us had. This Tweet is great because it remarks on just how tied to it we became. No. more. Zoom.

“Locky D”


The person who referred to lockdown as “locky D,” deserves some form of punishment. Now that we’ve seen this Tweet, we can’t stop thinking about it either.

People Never Change


As much as the pandemic stalled things, it also became an excuse to not do stuff. The vaccines mostly fixed that but we get the sentiment in this Tweet.

There Were Better Options


Moderna and Pfizer had the best vaccines and we honestly don’t know why anyone would go with Johnson & Johnson. It’s already a hassle, so why not make the most of it?

Keep It Up


This Tweet came for us. Masks are great for more reasons than just one!

Teachers Were Doing Their Best


This Tweet is impeccable because the whole notion of a “field trip” is to be out “in the field.” Being trapped in the house and glued to a screen is not the same.

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Summer ‘Fun’

Finally, this Tweet is a work of art because it both makes a joke and comments on the isolation many of us felt. We think you would be safe on this island.

There you go! Aren’t these Tweets pure gold? Although it was a difficult time, people still found humor in the situation. For even more fun, keep reading. We’ve got the most ridiculous pick-up lines inspired by the pandemic.

Check Out Pandemic Pick Up Lines That Will Surely Help You Make New Friends and Spark a Fresh Romance. Or not.

 Is that hand sanitizer in your pocket, or are you just happy to be within 6 feet of me?

 I used to be really anal about Covid, but I’m vaccinated now, so you single?

 Are you the Covid vaccine? Because I’d never turn you down.

 Contagious smile. Infectious laughter. If looks could kill, you’d be Covid-19.

 Are you an N95 mask? Cause I want you on my face

 Since all the public libraries are closed, I’m checking you out instead.

 Want to come over? I have toilet paper?

 Wanna play Coronavirus and get spread on hard surfaces?
 I’ll be the carrier, you’ll be the virus.
 Wanna get closer than 6 feet?

 Wanna drink sanitizer and kiss?
 Well, we both have disinfected our hands, sooooo…

RELATED: 230 Dirty Pick Up Lines That You Didn’t Know You Needed

 If Covid-19 doesn’t take you out, can I?
 Restaurants and bars may be closed, but I’m open for business
 I want to see you wearing only that disinfectant.

As You Can See, Many Pandemic Pick Up Lines Utilize the Word ‘Spread,’ We Encourage You to Riff on That Theme!

 I like my Covid like I like my women; easy to spread.
 I like my Covid, like I like my women; 19 and easy to spread.

 Is that pneumonia in my lungs or has your smile just left me breathless?

 You: I have 60 rolls of ultra-soft toilet paper. Girl: I have been wiping with my hand since people like you bought so much so make it 3-ply and you’ve got a date, bud.

 Do you have any essentials that need servicing?
 Are you ready to receive a big stimulus package?

 The government says we need to stay 6 feet away but I want to give you 6 inches
 Can I take you with me and work you from home?
 Hypothetically speaking if you were a restaurant that shut down dine-in, would you let me pick you up at the curb? See you tonight?

 Hey, baby are you Covid-19? Because I feel you inside me tonight.
 I’ve already had it, so if you’re sick we can still f#$%!

 Girl, do you have Coronavirus? Cuz you look freaking sickkkk.
 I can provide you with some vitamin D while in quarantine.
 A single man with toilet rolls would like to meet a single woman with hand sanitizer for good, clean fun.

 Hey girl, why don’t you come over to mine, while we flatten that curve we can gently rub hand sanitizer on each other while watching the roaring toilet paper fire in my backyard.

 Call me Covid-19, because I want to be inside you.

 Baby do you need toilet paper? Because I can be your Prince Charmin
 I’m just a girl, standing 6 feet away from a boy. Asking you to maybe move back another foot.

 Is it hot or is it our fevers and shortness of breath?

 Is heaven a quarantine zone because I think you’re an angel.

 I saw you from across the bar, stay over there.

 Can’t spell quarantine without U R A Q T.

 Are you Covid-19 because if I had you near me I wouldn’t leave home for two weeks straight.

 That mask brings out the beauty in your eyes.

 I got a stimulus package that is guaranteed to improve your economy.

 Stay home if you’re sicc. Come over if you’re thicc.

 Hey baby, are you a latex glove? Because I want to put my hand inside you. (Ew. Sorry, Mom).

 Are you coming down with COVID-19? Because I want to flatten your curves.

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There you go! What did you think of these pandemic pick up lines? Would you like to try in any out on an unlucky individual sometime soon? We advise you to avoid doing that and instead being a normal individual who just strikes up a casual conversation. These pandemic pick up lines will definitely gross folks out! But, we get it, we spent too much time alone over the past 15 months too.

Happy dating! Good luck with your pandemic pick up lines!

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