Mamas Uncut

Mom Claims Police Harassed Her and Took Away Her Basic Rights After They Issued Her a Warning Because Her Daughter Was on a Playdate

Inside Edition

A Wisconsin mother took to Facebook to ask for help after she says police harassed her when they found her daughter at a friend’s house while the world has been encouraged to social distance during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

As the mom, Amy, wrote on the social media site, “someone please help me with where to get help with this! This happened yesterday at my home. Listen at the end when she walks away threatening me again if they see my child outside. The home she was at is the ONE house she goes to when I have to work and if she has time to play. Neither of us are sick or have been sick!”

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She also attached a video of the police officers who showed up at her house as well. In the video, one of the officers is heard asking the mom if she is aware that the state is under a stay-at-home order issued by the government and then asked if she understood what that meant.

After asking the officers why they were at her home, the officers responded by saying, “Because your daughter is going to play at other people’s homes and you’re allowing it to happen.”

Mom Says Police Harassed Her After Finding Her Daughter at a Playdate

The conversation continued for a total of three minutes and 45 seconds. The video was shared over 5,000 times and had a lot of mixed reactions.

Some sided with the mom, saying, “I’m a retired police officer and I’m embarrassed for these 2. The constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, were violated. This was bad.”

Mom Claims Police Harassed Her and Took Away Her Basic Rights After They Issued Her a Warning Because Her Daughter Was on a Playdate | “Someone please help me with where to get help with this! This happened yesterday at my home. Listen at the end when she walks away threatening me again if they see my child outside."

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And others questioned why the mom was so upset with officers just doing their job. “Why does she have a problem that these heroic cops having a [heart] for her daughter and that they are only concerned….depraved! Moms worldwide are only keeping their kids away from other kids for this moment in time so their kids won’t catch the coronavirus….why can’t she play with her daughter…? Why is her daughter walking around without shoes (big sign of negligence) …yet this lady only can offer a sarcastic mouth to these cops who are only showing love for her daughter…what a disgrace!”

In a statement obtained by Inside Edition, the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department said of the now-viral video, “what the video doesn’t show is that this is the fifth contact we’ve had with this female in recent weeks.” This is far from the first time a citizen has argued that her rights are being taken away from her during this global health crisis, and unfortunately, we don’t think it will be the last.

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