Mamas Uncut

Man and Woman Charged With a Felony After a Video Captures Them Pulling a Gun Out on a Young Woman and Her Mother


Makayla Green and her mother, Takelia Hill, were trying to get dinner at a local Chipotle when they found themselves being held at gunpoint by another angry Chipotle customer.

According to Green, she and her mom had arrived at the Chipotle around 8:00 p.m. Green was a few steps ahead of Hill when she noticed a woman walking out of the restaurant.

Man and Woman Charged With a Felony After a Video Captures Them Pulling a Gun Out on a Young Woman and Her Mother | "She got the gun on me!"

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While talking with the Detroit News, Green said when she saw the woman opened the door she stepped aside so she wasn’t in the woman’s way. But things quickly escalated from there.

“She bumped me, and I said, ‘Excuse you.’ And then she started cussing me out and saying things like I was invading her personal space.” With her mom close behind her, Green called Hill over for help. Hill admitted to being shocked by the other woman’s behavior.

“I walked up on the woman yelling at my daughter,” Hill explained to the Detriot News. “She couldn’t see me because her back was to me, but she was in my daughter’s face.” And as the argument continued, Green began filming on her phone.

Although the video has since been deleted from Twitter, where Green’s aunt originally posted it, according to Cafe Mom the video started after the woman had pulled a gun out and pointed it at Green.

“She got the gun on me!” Green can be heard exclaiming before the woman holding a gun told a man in the driver seat of her car to call the police. However, Hill and Green had already taken down the license plate and were on the phone with 911 themselves.

As Cafe Mom reports, the woman had pulled the gun out after Hill hit the back window of the woman’s minivan as they were backing out of the parking spot because she feared they were about to hit her and her daughter. In an update shared on Green’s aunt’s Twitter account, the man and woman were arrested but eventually released.

“They were let go! The police just took the guns away!!! Ridiculous!!!! They said they couldn’t arrest her because my niece’s mother hit their car (with her hand) to stop them from hitting my niece!!! Justice needs to be served! This is white privilege.”

However, after the full video was released on YouTube, it’s sparked a bit of a debate.

“She shouldn’t have drawn the gun, that was a bit excessive but after watching the whole video, it didn’t have to escalate to that point,” one person said after watching the video. “The woman tried to prevent them from leaving for nothing.”

“Rule #1 of gun ownership: Never pull it unless you’re ready to fire,” another added. “Rule #2: Never pull it because you’re having an argument. That’s dangerously irresponsible, especially pointing it. Absent imminent harm, what she did was a felony and a disservice to responsible gun owners.”

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Following the release of the 3-minute long video, authorities have charged the man and woman for their actions.

According to CBS Detriot, 32-year-old Jillian Wuestenberg and 42-year-old Eric Wuestenberg were charged with felonious assault, a 4-year felony. Wuestenberg has also been terminated as the coordinator for veterans’ support services at Oakland University.

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